“As a Judge, every person appearing in my courtroom is treated with absolute fairness. Every person has their voice and their position heard.”
Maya Guerra Gamble was elected by Travis County voters to the 459th District Court for a four-year term in 2018. She presides over civil and family-law cases, including business, commercial, administrative, consumer, real estate, divorce, child-custody and Child Protective Services cases.
Prior to being elected Judge of the 459th District Court, Maya Guerra Gamble was a full-time trial lawyer, residing and working in Austin, her hometown, and practicing law in the district courts of Travis County. She ran a solo practice specializing in Child Protective Services, devoting herself to helping the most defenseless and needy among us, making her well qualified for Travis County’s 459th District Court.
Maya was of counsel at O’Connell & Soifer, LLP, where she focused on whistleblower cases, including one that resulted in a settlement of over $100 million for fraudulent behavior by a large hospital chain. After law school, Maya clerked for the honorable Judge Cudahy on the 7th Circuit. She was also hired into the Honors Program at the Department of Justice where she joined the Commercial Litigation Section and pursued cases that recouped money from companies and individuals that defrauded the United States.
Re-elect Maya as Travis County's 459th District Court Judge!
Maya@ MayaGuerraGamble.com
Maya Guerra Gamble, Democrat for District Judge
PO Box 28344
Austin, TX 78755
tel: 512.524.7230